
Our Courier Partners

We use either Royal Mail, DHL or UPS, depending on your delivery address, as our trusted courier partners. Once your order has been dispatched, we'll send you an email immediately with your tracking details. 

Shipping Times & Costs

  • UK customers: 2-4 business days after dispatch (£5)
  • EU customers: 2-11 business days after dispatch (£15)
  • Rest of World customers: 3-17 business days after dispatch (£25)

You will receive an email and/or text messages from either Royal Mail, DHL or UPS when your order is in transit. They will give an expected day of delivery and will attempt delivery up to three times. If your delivery failed and your order was returned to us, we would need to re-charge you for shipping a second attempt. 

For any queries about shipping, you can contact our Customer Services at

Customs, Clearance & Duties Fees

We are unable to cover the cost of any customs, clearance or duties fees and so must be paid for by the customer.